Comprehensive Guide to Industrial PoE Switches

Layer 2 switches

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Comprehensive Guide to Industrial PoE Switches

Do you want to purchase PoE switches? Great! There are different varieties and different steps to determine suitable PoE switches. There is no rush at all! When purchasing a PoE switch, consider all the requirements and choose the best one. This guide doesn’t refer only to PoE switches but also highlights the purchasing process of other relevant switches, like Ethernet switches.

We have diverse mechanisms to provide our systems with essential energy resources. Nowadays, the solar system has provided us with colossal resources. But is it enough? Not at all. We have to rely on power technologies like the PoE and Ethernet systems. It directs us to the use of PoE switches in our networks.

Today, we will comprehensively highlight the PoE switches and assist you in purchasing the right PoE switch.

PoE Technology Basics

What is PoE Technology?

Let’s start with the word PoE. PoE stands for Power over Ethernet. Just extract the actual definition from the word “PoE.” Don’t you think it refers to the power transmitted over the Ethernet?

If you think like I do, you are no different from me and can easily understand it.

PoE technology is a power over Ethernet technology that works on IEEE standards to provide you with two essential components of the network:

· Power

· Data connection

I know you can’t derive the data connection concept from the word PoE, but it also plays a significant role in data connection.

Now, the question is, which IEEE PoE technology standards work?

No rocket science. Simple answer. There are three fundamental IEEE standards, namely:

· PoE 802.3af

·  PoE 802.3at

·  PoE 802.3bt

Depending on how this version is used, the PoE 802.3bt can have two more types. Let’s explore PoE technology in depth.

Suggested Reading: What is PoE?

How can you build a PoE Network?

Do you have a PoE network in your building? 

In 2018, PoE technology was valued at over 700 million USD. With time, predictors forecast prices to increase by 15% by 2025.

Why not build the PoE network? 

Here is a breakdown of the different structural components of the PoE network.

· Computer or devices that are compatible with the PoE.

· PoE switches to receive data packets and connect the devices.

·  Ethernet ports with connectors to link the switches with the devices.

· An additional component, yet essential, is the PoE router to optimize the network traffic and improve the network’s performance.

When acquiring the PoE network, ensure you have all these components together. Usually, Ethernet ports have connectors that link the switches with the devices to transfer the data over the network.

What is a PoE switch, and how does it work?

A PoE switch, isn’t it an elusive term? Not. We have highlighted some signs of the PoE switch in the network and let you understand the fundamental goal.

Let’s move to the definition of the PoE switch.

A power over Ethernet switch (PoE switch) is a switch type that enables the data connection and power supply for devices over the Ethernet port. All these devices are in direct contact with the PoE switch to receive the power supply and data connection.

PoE switches are plug-and-play devices that link the computers over the network regarding the working mechanism. Their task is to connect the devices over the network, optimize the traffic, receive the data packets, apply several security protocols, and transfer it to the destination device.

So, you can expect what exactly a PoE switch is!

Suggested Reading: What is the advantage of the PoE switch?

3 Types of Industrial PoE Switches

Industrial PoE switches are classified into different classes depending on the applications and relevant features. Each class has distinctive characteristics that differentiate it from the others. Let’s review the three fundamentals of PoE switches to highlight what type you can employ.

Managed Industrial PoE switches

Can you define the managed PoE switches only by looking at the word composed? However, let me explain it.

Managed Industrial PoE switches are Ethernet switches that allow users to configure their network traffic. In terms of data networking, they stimulate better control over the LAN and WLAN. You can determine the data packet pathway, change it, and improve it to a greater extent for better control. 

Usually, managed PoE switches procure the following features.

· They allow remote fixing of the network troubleshooting.

· They have features like Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Virtual Local Access Network (VLAN) support, port mirroring, and bandwidth support.

·. Here are some of these.

Suggested Reading: Do I need a managed switch at home?

Layer 2 Industrial PoE Switch

A layer 2 industrial switch is a PoE switch with managed features to control network traffic. However, layer 2 switches don’t allow special features like routing data packets.

You can suppose the fundamental functionalities when using a layer two switch in the network. The switch will connect the devices over the LAN, get the MAC to the address of both devices, analyze the transferring data packets, and enable communication among them. 

When the data packets are received, they are sent from the host device to the destination. There is no analysis of the data packets to pass them through specific protocols.

In networking technology, you can find layer two switches in the access layer of the network. They link the devices and enable data connections using Ethernet technology.

Layer 3 Industrial PoE switch

Layer 3 is advanced PoE switches that procure additional features from fundamental network protocols. In simple words, they offer routing features in the network.

Let’s explain the mechanism of action of these switches. Layer three switches will receive the files in the data packets if a host device sends the file to the destination device over the LAN. After proper processing, they will analyze those data packets, classify them, and send them to the destination computer. Unlike the MAC address in layer two switches, both devices’ IP addresses are part of these switches.

Layer 3 switches are usually part of the core physical layer of the network.

10G Industrial Switch

Do you know 10G Ethernet? If yes, it would be great to learn more about it; otherwise, let me explain this technology.

10G Ethernet is a networking technology that facilitates computers’ achieving 10 Gbps data speed. 10G industrial switches help implement 10G Ethernet at industrial levels. 10G managed switches allow control over network traffic and improve performance.

The maximum throughput of such switches is 9.4 gigabytes per second, while the transfer speed is 1.25 gigabytes per second.

Unmanaged Industrial PoE switches.

Unmanaged PoE switches are simple switches with no traffic control. They are plug-and-play switches that don’t offer security features or allow you to control or optimize your traffic. Networks at enterprises without IT admins have unmanaged PoE switches.

Their primary motive is not to expect IT experts to install the switch and control the traffic over the LAN. The following different unmanaged switches are available.

Suggested Reading: What does an Unmanaged switch mean?

10/100M Industrial PoE switch

10/100 industrial PoE switches, also called fast Ethernet switches, were earlier switches used in the 2000s. Due to better feasibility and requirements, they are still popular and part of our networks.

These switches allow the network’s data speeds of 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps. You can plug in them and achieve data speed.

Gigabit Industrial PoE switch

Gigabit technology is not new. It was launched in 1999. The technology uses 1000Base-T and relevant standards to achieve data speed.

Gigabit Industrial PoE switches enable the gigabit data speed. The maximum data speed of such switches is 1000 Mbps, while the transfer speed is around 125 Mbps. 

Hybrid Switches

Websmart or Hybrid PoE switches are intermediate types. They have features in between the managed and unmanaged switches

They have managed features but to a limited extent. Quality of Service is also part of hybrid switches. You don’t need the experts to employ these switches. Intermediate IT professionals will also be able to install them.

Their applications include Voice over IP phones, small VLAN groups, and small groups at the offices.

5 Crucial Advantages of Using an Industrial PoE Switch

When buying an industrial PoE switch, you need to understand its significance. Why do you need it? When do you need it, And how do you implement this technology? 

When purchasing the industrial PoE switch, the first question to look out for is whether it is essential for us.

Here are many reasons why you have to choose the industrial PoE switch.

Plug and Play Mechanism relieves hiring experts.

Plug and play? It seems like a buzzword with a significant meaning. Beginners usually consider a switch to be dangerous electrical equipment. Undoubtedly, risks associated with it are generally part of electrical hazards.

The plug-and-play mechanism refers to the straightforward type of installation. In the PoE network, you need only plug in the RJ45 connector of the Ethernet port into the socket portion of the PoE switch. 

Do you think there are any threats to it? Not.

However, the main point is here. What are the benefits of plug-and-play switches that contribute to the PoE network? Here are crucial advantages you can grab when employing the plug-and-play PoE switches:

· The mechanism of installation is easy to understand. Even beginners can install the PoE switch in the network and link other devices.

· You don’t have to hire IT experts. It can significantly cut the cost of the installation of the switches.

· There are always fewer hazards of plug-and-play switches, enabling everyone with little knowledge to install them.

Since an industrial PoE switch is a plug-and-play switch, you can install it without obstacles and save expenses.

High-speed data networks with access to high-power

Power supply and data connection; are two different aspects, but the most important for the devices. At first, everyone considers both of them one, but remember; the PoE switch has the dual power supply and data connection feature.

Before heading to the next advantage, I would like to explore the network’s data speed requirements and power supply.

As far as we discuss the data connection, high-speed data is essential to carry out crucial tasks like:

· Network virtualization

· Files transfer

· Downloading the necessary files over the network

The fundamental question is how much speed you get from PoE technology. PoE switches offer a data speed of 10 Gigabytes to 100 Gigabytes. They facilitate network solutions for data connectivity.

You have the devices available in the network. Those computers are high-power devices that require a high power supply. In that case, PoE has a solution for you. It can enable a power supply of 100 watts, which is more than enough to charge and power high-power devices like computers, laptops, and screens.

Higher bandwidth maximizes network resource usage.

Bandwidth pertains to the ultimate data proportion, not the information volume. Many people make mistakes in understanding the bandwidth. They usually consider the bandwidth to be the internet speed. That is not a fact.

Bandwidth is data volume, while the Internet is information volume. Higher bandwidth undoubtedly supports high-speed data networks but regards them as distinct entities. The unit of bandwidth is bitrates.

In PoE 802.3bt, you can achieve a higher data speed over the network. It allows the bandwidth to support such a high data speed. That compels the enterprises to install and utilize the PoE networks in their offices. Moreover, the companies can improve network performance and optimize traffic through high bandwidth in the PoE network.

Secure data connection with various security protocols

In networking technology, there are many advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you get data speed, hacking risks.

So, when are cyber-attacks possible? The question is complicated unless we understand what network technology you are using. If we talk about Wi-Fi technology, you can observe the cyber attacks that are more imminent. This has increased the consortium of companies’ concerns to ponder PoE technology.

In PoE technology, there are several security protocols.

· Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)

· IPSec and VPNs.

· SSL and TLS.

· Application Transparent Transport Layer Security.

· Kerberos.

· OSPF authentication.

· SNMPv3.

These protocols help improve the network’s overall security over the Ethernet system. 

Let’s take a simple example of SSL on Google websites. When you open the website, it shows whether it is secure. If the website is safe, SSL protocols are available. If not, you can get a warning that SSL has expired. With expired SSL certificates, data stealing from the website is possible.

PoE has the edge over Wifi 6 or 5 regarding better security. All data packets pass through these security protocols, decreasing cyberattack risks. It even boosts the user’s confidence to work without a second thought about network security.

Reduced costs over the PoE Deployment

A network deployment cost depends on what? Can you guess the number of factors? It depends on numerous factors, like how you have built your network, your requirements, and how you will achieve it.

You can better understand this scenario if I mention the PoE technology. A PoE network is only feasible if you have

· PoE switches installed

· PoE routers

· PoE-compatible devices

What if your devices or computers are not PoE compatible? It will cause a serious problem out there. In that case, you have to increase the budget to purchase the PoE devices or use the PoE injectors to make those devices work with PoE switches.

Surprisingly, most buildings now have the PoE system installed, which significantly cuts the installation cost. One more important thing is the plug-and-play system. You don’t have to hire IT experts and professionals to install the PoE system, which further decreases the cost of deployment.

One of the remarkable advantages is getting a high-speed data connection with a high power supply at a lower cost. Moreover, the PoE devices are not expensive, which will cost you a high budget. It makes PoE technology an emerging solution for networking in the future.

6 Factors to look for in an ideal Industrial PoE Switch?

Do you want to buy the PoE switch? I have a question for you.

There are various categories of switches and features; which one will you choose? Isn’t it challenging to decide on the best one? It is, no doubt, a very challenging task to find the best one. But it is no problem at all. I have mentioned some factors that will help you explore the different varieties of PoE switches and agree on the most suitable one.

Type of Switch: Managed, Unmanaged, and Hybrid

As mentioned above, there are three basic types of PoE switches.

· Managed

· Unmanaged

· Hybrid PoE switches

All these work differently and empower the user with different characteristics. When it comes to choosing the PoE switch, you need to answer some questions:

· Do you have a PoE compatibility device?

· Do you have a router in your network?

If you have a PoE compatibility device, proceeding to the second is no longer a problem. If you employ the managed switch, it will also act as a router to filter the traffic and build the connection among devices. That’s why I want you to determine the type of PoE switches you need

Some factors can determine the type of switch you might need. If you need a high-speed data connection but have a low budget, you must rely on layer 2 switches.

Similarly, you can apply this case to other aspects as well. Managed, unmanaged, and web smart switches have different applications. 

So, deciding on the given switch type through proper research is essential.

Bandwidth Capacity to support network performance

Do you know what bandwidth is precisely? You can consider it a capacity to support the data rate, which we measure in bit rates. 

So, a high-performance network is only possible if you have high bandwidth. For example, if I mention the bandwidth of the 10 gigabit Ethernet, you can observe it to be 10,000 bits per second. Regarding other network technologies, such as PoE, you must monitor the bandwidth to get the best.

What if there is low bandwidth in the network? There are many problems, such as:

· Less performance

· More bottlenecks in the network

· It can’t support networks with high traffic.

There are different standards of the PoE. IEEE 802.3af is the primary version of PoE introduced in the early 2000s and allows less bandwidth when compared with the latest versions like IEEE 802.3at or 802.3bt. 

Do you need a high-power and high-data-speed network? If yes, higher bandwidth is an essential feature. Bandwidth is your priority when buying a system for your IP cameras or downloading 4K videos on the data network.

So, when buying the PoE switch, you must check the technology and choose accordingly.

Number of Ports 

Multiple ports connect the PoE switch to your IP camera or computers. RJ45 connectors are the most popular connectors at the ends of these Ethernet ports.

You might wonder why we discuss the number of ports when choosing the right switch. There are no wonders. Since we aim to assemble more than one device, a single port will not work. 

Let me explain it with an example. Suppose you have a more extensive setup for IP cameras for your surveillance system. If there are 11 IP cameras installed, how many ports will you need? Eleven ports, at least. So, when choosing the industrial PoE switch, determine your requirements, list how many ports you need, and proceed to the PoE switch.

Power of the Switch

The power of the switch has many important tasks. High power is essential when you need to power IP cameras or computers. Otherwise, you will lose the potential networking opportunity.

PoE 802.3bt provides a maximum power of up to 95 watts. You need to connect the Ethernet ports to link the switch with the IP cameras. If there are multiple IP cameras, you must have the power system accordingly.

It also ensures the total power budget available to each port. Since each port is essential, you need to concentrate on the power. If a device requires 50 watts of power, your port must have power equal to or more to control your device.


Reliability can be a concern when your whole system goes impaired. For example, you have a surveillance system of 20 cameras installed at locations in your industrial zone. If all of these have the PoE system installed and connected with the PoE switch, a single fault in ports or switches will shut down the surveillance system.

Can you guess the loss due to this fault? Depending on your surveillance concerns, it could cost you millions of dollars. 

So, is there any solution to resolve such breakdown issues? Yes, there are many options. You can find reliable switches. Do you know what precisely dedicated switches are? They procure two significant factors:

· High-quality material that doesn’t break down quickly.

· Warranty of years to work.

When ordering the suppliers, ask them to provide you with high-quality, reliable PoE switches with better feasibility. It will expand the surveillance applications and allow you to receive adequate security.


Cost is a significant concern for everyone. You can’t employ hundreds of switches. Even if your network is complex, you must buy layers 3, 2, and gigabit switches as per your concern.

Everyone wants to save some bucks, whether you are buying the PoE switch or surveillance. In this respect, always explore the economical switches that offer better prices with the quality. One more critical here. Never compromise on quality, which is always a significant concern for everyone.

In short, you need cost-effective PoE switches with higher bandwidth, high power, and low price.

Industrial POE switch applications

Industrial PoE switches have applications in a wide range of intelligent products. Internet of Things, smart home systems, and IP cameras require PoE switches for high-speed data connection and power.

However, I have listed some crucial applications of the PoE switches.

Security Monitoring Transmission Solution

Internet-operated cameras, such as IP cameras, have implemented several opportunities in the surveillance system. The surveillance system becomes essential for violent crimes, terrorist activities, and measures to stop them.

The Global Coverage of surveillance video camera systems has reached 100%, while the wide network sharing is around 95% since we need a fully controllable system that provides a compatible system to develop and implement some changes.

However, a security monitoring transmission solution requires:

· Higher bandwidth supports video downloading and transfer over the network with minimal bottlenecks.

· Extensive system to expand the applications of security systems in the future and implement effective protocols.

· Openness and compatibility with the devices to allow communication between the devices.

· The network’s stability and security keep the data backups with time and use them in the future.

So, how does the PoE switch to figure out all these issues? It’s no longer a hidden fact that PoE technology has rooted out all these problems without a single thought. Surprisingly, all the solutions are unique and achieve results quickly. However, multiple points describe the significance of the PoE system in this aspect.

· PoE network has three primary layers: core, access, and distribution. These play a crucial role in decreasing the number of bottlenecks and improving overall performance.

· Security protocols have the data network from the PoE enhance the security to a greater extent and improve the overall performance.

· Uplink support of 1G/10G network provides the essential data speed to receive the files from IP cameras miles away!

Intelligent Transportation System Solution

An intelligent transportation system is a new technology that copes with traffic issues and develops solutions. The past few years indicate an increase in the urban population due to better facilities. It has directly impacted transportation resources and elevated public transportation and personal vehicles. 

The results are pretty familiar. Traffic congestion increases the risks of accidents, noise pollution, and adverse health impacts. Now, the concern is how PoE technology has helped.

PoE networks have been divided into two primary layers.

·  Core layer

· Convergence layer 

The core layer has provided better control over device management. High device utilization, stable and reliable networks, and redundant deployment of broad network protection have helped achieve the goals to a greater extent.

Network topology with PoE layers has turned on the monitoring system and reduced traffic congestion with intelligent solutions. High-speed data networks and high-power systems coped with the prime traffic issues.

Smart Power System Transmission Solution

The electrical power communication system improves the feasibility of the plans and makes them work effectively. Power system communication is always an essential feature to control, especially considering the power of electrical tools in industrial zones.

A single power cut would cause huge losses. Moreover, surges in power and voltage decrease the efficiency of the devices working in a system. Power Systems have many applications, including expensive and ineffective maintenance, equipment communication stability, and fault diagnosis.

PoE technology with Gigabit Ethernet has implemented power solutions for the power systems. The fiber optic system provides access to a high-speed network and power without any external factor within the 80-kilometer range. This range was impossible to achieve with copper wires. It reduces the overall expense of high-power transmission to distant areas and puts forward many measures.

Power Systems ECMS solutions enable a wide range of transmission without affecting the quality of signals. PoE technology has allowed the use of power transmission systems with minimal power losses.

IoT Transmission Solution

The Internet of Things has broad applications in our lives. We use the IoT to provide solutions to sensor systems, even a tiny smartphone. Smart cities and railway systems all require essential communication to track upcoming pathways, book tickets online, and enhance our needs.

What does an IoT require? It ensures that the communication between the devices is stable. In addition, the network you are using is divided into a core layer and an application layer according to the standard requirements.

Since we need to highlight applications of PoE in achieving IoT, let’s explore this fact more.

IoT directly connects sensors with railway stations, bridges, tunnels, roads, and oil and gas tracking systems. It requires two main factors: power and a high-speed data connection. PoE technology offers this option without additional power outlets. Moreover, these two factors are being achieved better without compromising the network’s latency.

With a PoE network, devices and sensors connected over the LAN can get a stable data connection up to 100 Gbps(more in upcoming years) and get high power. Internet phones, IP cameras, PoE routers, and terminal base stations rely on PoE technology for strength and stability.

Railway System Transmission Solution

There has been more progress in the railway system, airports, and highway infrastructures in the past few years. China has implemented 176 transit lines in 2020 and expects to reach 289 by 2050. The investment scale will exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2020 and hopes to be five times by 2050, depending on whether the position goes as expected or improves later.

railway transit system requires higher accuracy, excellent network stability, and higher security of information transmitted to devices. In addition to empowering the system, we need to implement faster data networks to explore infrastructure failures, capture videos, and improve our surveillance system.

PoE technology has stimulated many measurements to provide the system with all the solutions. A PoE network comprises the Integrated Surveillance Control System(ISCS), supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA), Building Automation System, Fire Alarm System, Automatic Fare collection system, passenger information system, automatic train control, office automation system, and close circuit television system.

These systems make it easy to have surveillance, keep alarms under control, check passenger information, and automatically collect fares. Since power and data connection are primary requirements, PoE can help you achieve railway station transmission solutions with automatic but integrated results. We expect to improve networking through PoE technology and Ethernet technology by 2030.

Smart City Transmission Solution

smart city provides a better lifestyle by implementing technology and the Internet of Things. It senses the impending dangers, analyzes various systems, and develops a better solution to keep the preplanned strategy to cope with the situation.

Internet facilities, broadband networks, and wireless data networks are usually integral parts of such intelligent cities. Overall, they include urban development to correlate all the systems working simultaneously in the city to a greater extent.

PoE technology has helped us achieve all the goals of developing a smart city with wisdom and proper strategy. PoE technology has provided us with four fundamental things.

·  High security ensures security by authorization, authentication, and Port binding to transfer the data over a secure connection.

·  High efficiency — Higher bandwidth limits and Quality of Service improve the efficiency of the network and result in priority services.

·  High Reliability— It does end-to-end-user encryption, supports a ring network redundancy, and high-quality industrial products for network reliability.

·  Easy maintenance of the network—In addition to providing Web Access, it can promote SNMP and RMON management, leading to favorable maintenance.

HoweVision Professional Industrial PoE switches.

Here you go with one of the top PoE switches and technology inventory suppliers.

Shenzhen HoweVision Professional Co. Ltd is a technology supplier that provides customers with better solutions. We aim to combine Ethernet technology, optic fibers, PoE technology, and industrial network access. We have emerged as one of the most popular technologies in industrial revolutions and surveillance systems in the current era.

Why Choose HoweVision Professional?

Are you considering us for your next technology solution? Great! You can ponder about this situation with the following advantages.

High-quality Inventory

We have numerous products. All of them are high quality. Even if you buy industrial PoE switches or optical fiber products, all procure quality materials. Even some products have a warranty of more than five years. Don’t you think we are better at this?

Comprehensive Collection of technology products

Need multiple technology products? No problem. We have all that you need for your surveillance system or PoE installation. From layer 2 to Gigabit switches, we provide our customers with economical but quality solutions. 

Team Support

We are available whenever you need us. You can call or email us with your complaints. Moreover, you can get free quotes for bulk orders. Our services are open 24/7. Are you still waiting? Let us know your concerns.

Fast Delivery

Product shipping is a significant issue. But that’s not how our services work, and We ensure delivery within 1-5 days of order.

What can you get?

You can grab multiple products from our vast collection of products.

Industrial POE switches

We have a long list of PoE switches, including managed, unmanaged, and intelligent web switches. You can explore them on our official website and order us to ship your order immediately.

POE injector

A PoE injector is a device that makes your IP cameras or computers PoE-compatible. You might need one if you have computers that don’t work with PoE technology. We have one on our list, and you can purchase it.

POE splitter

PoE splitters are devices that split the power input and feed it into non-PoE machines. They can be used with PoE switches and injectors. HoweVision Professional has the PoE splitters for you.

POE extender

PoE technology has a maximum range of 100 meters. However, when you empower IP cameras and relevant tools away from the central control systems, you sometimes need to extend the range. A PoE extender can assist you. We have PoE extenders for better network accessibility at longer distances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I use the PoE switch in my network?

A PoE switch can resolve many networking-related issues, like data speed and power supply. You can use PoE technology to level up your networks through PoE switches.

A network can stimulate the following tasks: 

· A high-speed data connection of up to 100 gigabytes per second is enough to transfer gigabytes of files.

· Power Supply up to 100 watts; it is enough to charge high-power devices like laptops.

· Network Security protocols like SSL, SSH, and RADIUS ensure secure data connection.

· Higher bandwidth allows high-performance networks.

Aren’t these enough advantages to improve your network level?

Are all devices PoE compatible?

The answer is not simple. Most devices are usually PoE-compatible. When connecting computers to the PoE network, check whether they are not PoE compatible. However, most innovative buildings and devices have PoE technology installed.

Now, you can determine whether the device is PoE compatible or not. You can connect the RJ45 connector with the switch and your device. If it works well, the machine is PoE compatible. There is another way to determine whether the device is PoE compatible. It is usually written on the device or available in the settings about the compatibility of the devices.

Only PoE-compatible devices will work on the PoE network and achieve the connection through industrial PoE switches.

Are PoE switches different from the core switches?

Remember, a PoE switch can be a core switch or distribution switch. So, this question becomes valid until you know the functionalities of the core switch and its implementations in the network.

A complex network comprises multiple levels of switches.

· The core layer contains core switches and is the network’s backbone.

· The distribution layer contains the distribution switches and supports the other switch layers.

· Access layers have access switches connecting the devices.

Since the core layer encompasses the core switches, crucial tasks are expected. Do you know what those essential tasks are? It acts as a router and improves network performance. 

The PoE switch can be layer 2 or layer 3 managed; you can expect the backbone support like the core switch from the PoE switch.

How much speed can I get from the PoE switch?

If data speed is your ultimate requirement, you can try the PoE switch in the network. There are different standards of PoE technology:

· PoE Type 1— 802.3af

· PoE Type 2— 802.3at

· PoE+ type 3— 802.3bt

· PoE++ type 4— 802.3bt

The PoE 802.3bt is the latest version that offers the highest power supply and data connection. Usually, it can deliver up to 100 gigabytes. You will observe the technology to approach the terabytes of data speed in the future. 

Do I need a router with the PoE switch?

The answer depends on multiple facts. Routers control the network traffic, optimize it, and improve its performance. It doesn’t happen every time you need a router.

PoE switch may or may not require the routers. For example, using a Layer 2 switch, you need to optimize your traffic apart from connecting the devices. In that case, we would say it is essential to employ the PoE routers. 

Layer 3 switches have a built-in routing mechanism to check data packets, analyze them, and pass them through different protocols. However, whether you want to employ a PoE router depends on your requirements.


Have you found the right PoE switch for your networking? Finding the right tool always requires much concern. You need to know the different parameters of the controls, their role in the network, and your requirements. Let me share a secret about selecting suitable switches.

Always list the features you want in your switch. Determine the network requirements and add them to the list. Find multiple suppliers for the PoE switch, compare their prices, and negotiate. This way, you will get the best PoE switch at affordable prices. HoweVision professional has all the tools related to PoE technology and Ethernet.

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