Does my switch support PoE?

does my switch support poe

Do you have a power supply or data connection at your home? Which type of technology do you use? Non-PoE technology, right? If yes, you are doing the wrong things. You must implement PoE technology in all your systems.

Want high data speed? No problem. Use high-power devices? No worries, we have PoE technology out there to manage your system. PoE technology is part of advanced technology working in commercial and industrial zones to provide power supply and connect the devices. Usually, Industrial areas employ PoE switches such as hardened switches to get the power supply.

If you want to know about PoE’s origin, read the article — How PoE was born?

What is PoE technology?

As I already mentioned, PoE involves advanced technology to provide you with data and power supply. With Cat5, 5e, or 6 Ethernet cables, you can provide your system with PoE standards. IEEE developed different PoE standards as given below.

  • IEEE 802.3af
  • 802.3at
  • 802.3bt (Type 3)
  • 802.3bt (Type 4)

Every IEEE standard design enables varying power. For example, PoE 802.3bt Type 4 offers up to 95 watts of power. So, it is suitable for high-power devices compared to other standards of PoE. Remember, all the PoE switches or else PoE materials work on the IEEE standards.

If you want a detailed guide over these standards, check out — What are the different types of PoE?

What is the difference between PoE and Non-PoE switches?

What comes to your mind first? If you previously used both PoE and non-PoE switches, you can differentiate both of them accurately. However, let me help you precisely determine both types of switches.

  • PoE switches use the IEEE 802.3 standards and deliver power supply over the Ethernet port. At the same time, non-PoE switches are regular switches that offer a power supply but don’t use the PoE standards.
  • PoE switches involve only a single Ethernet port such as Cat5, 5e, or 6 to provide power supply and data connection. In regular switches, you need to implement two cables— one for data connection and the other for power supply.
  • High data speeds up to 1 gigabyte and power up to 95 watts are only possible with the PoE technology. Regular switches contribute to the low power supply and low data speed over multiple ports.

Does my switch Support PoE?

As above, there are two types of switches— PoE and non-PoE switches. So, which switch are you using at your home? Is your regular switch non-PoE, or has PoE enabled? There are multiple ways to check whether your switch supports PoE devices or not. Let me list some of the most popular ways to know PoE and non-PoE switches.

  • Login and type “Show Power Inline.” It will show the number of ports drawing the power. Moreover, a summary of the configuration will make sure you find out whether your switch is PoE or not.
  • Another option is to search for the model of switch you are using on the internet. The company will let you understand whether you are using the PoE switch or not.
  • You can have a look at the features of the switch. If the PoE is available in the elements, you must ensure that this switch uses PoE technology.

How to make your switch PoE compatible?

Do you want to supply power to your devices? Make sure your devices are PoE-compatible. Usually, with a Non-PoE switch, it is impossible to deliver power to PoE devices and connect them. For this purpose, you have two options:

If you choose the first option, you can follow the guide—Which type of PoE switch should I employ?

Here, you will get guidance on how we can make our switches PoE-compatible. To make the PoE compatible, you must understand what precisely a PoE injector is? Let’s have a look at the injector.

What is a PoE injector?

A PoE injector is a PoE adapter that works as an intermediate between the non-PoE switch and supplies power to the PoE devices. It gets the power and data connection from the non-PoE switch and transfers it to the PoE device over the Ethernet port.

To differentiate between the PoE injector and the PoE switch, you can get a detailed guide—What is the difference between a PoE Injector and a PoE switch?

How can the injector make your switch PoE compatible?

Do you know how exactly the PoE injector works? PoE injectors use AC and DC input with different IEEE standards such as PoE, PoE+, and PoE++. So, you need to look at the PoE injector and make it suitable for your device.

PoE injectors work as an intermediate to connect your device and switch. Follow these steps to empower the devices with PoE power.

Make sure your connections are accurate and as per expectations. You can observe the functionality of the power device and determine whether you have enabled the power supply over the Ethernet port or not.

What are the benefits of PoE injectors?

Are you thinking about converting your non-PoE system into PoE? If yes, you can use the PoE injectors and enjoy the following benefits.

Simple process for installation:

The above method will help you understand how easily you can make the non-PoE switch PoE compatible. Just get your Ethernet port and make the connection between the injector, device, and switch. There is no need to hire IT experts for this purpose to install the PoE system into your switch.

Inexpensive Solution:

Are you tired of purchasing cables over and over again? Why not convert your non-PoE switch into PoE? It is something you must focus on. The PoE system offers you benefits such as high data speed in gigabytes and a high power supply in the long run. Even most buildings or devices have a built-in PoE system that reduces the overall cost. So, purchase the PoE injector and make your switch PoE compliant right away.

Extend the Network connection:

Usually, PoE provides a connection up to 100 meters of distance. A non-PoE switch doesn’t offer such distant links. What if we connect the PoE injectors to extend the network connection? Yes, this is an excellent solution as you use the Ethernet ports between your devices. It opens the range when you maintain the relationship between the device, switch, and injector with an Ethernet cable. Therefore, PoE injectors can increase the scope of your network connection.

Picture of Mr.Hua


Hi, I'm Mr. Hua, The funder of HoweVision technology, I'v been woking industrial communication equipment for 8 years now, and the purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to industrial communication from a China supplier's perspective.

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